Our Courses
Skills learned from AI Bootcamp can be applied to competitive programming (USACO), science fairs (ISEF, STS, AJAS, GSF), hackathons (MIT Appathon),Congressional App Challenge, HackMIT), and a variety of other prestigious competitions.
MIT AI2 - 101
Basic Programming
MIT App Inventor 2 installation, MIT AI2 Companion sync, Designer, Blocks, Variables and Scopes, Data Types, Logic Controls on Condition/Loop, Functions, Advanced Data Structures with List and Dictionary.
MIT AI2 - 201
Artificial Intelligence
5 Core Concepts: Multilayer Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Embedding & Generative Models.
MIT AI2 - 202
USACO Bronze
Introduction to USACO programming competition, data structures, controls and algorithm development in MIT AI2, converting your MIT AI2 solution to real C++, Java or Python code.
MIT AI2 - 203
Tech Bots
Implementation of Advanced technologies with components in MIT AI2, Cloud Computing, Database, Web development, Interactive Maps, network connection with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, Internet of Things(IoT), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.