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Dr. Meng AI 

Help students to excel in the 21st century


Our Courses

Skills learned from AI Bootcamp can be applied to competitive programming (USACO), science fairs (ISEF, STS, AJAS, GSF), hackathons (MIT Appathon),Congressional App Challenge, HackMIT), and a variety of other prestigious competitions.


MIT AI2 - 101
Basic Programming

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MIT App Inventor 2 installation, MIT AI2 Companion sync, Designer, Blocks, Variables and Scopes, Data Types, Logic Controls on Condition/Loop, Functions, Advanced Data Structures with List and Dictionary.

MIT AI2 - 201
Artificial Intelligence

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5 Core Concepts: Multilayer Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Embedding & Generative Models.

MIT AI2 - 202
USACO Bronze

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Introduction to USACO programming competition, data structures, controls and algorithm development in MIT AI2, converting your MIT AI2 solution to real C++, Java or Python code.

MIT AI2 - 203
Tech Bots

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Implementation of Advanced technologies with components in MIT AI2, Cloud Computing, Database, Web development, Interactive Maps, network connection with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, Internet of Things(IoT), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

MIT AI2 - 204
IOT with RaspberryPi

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Raspberry Pi environment setup, operating system install, Linux/Unix command lines, physical computing with python in Raspberry Pi, MIT AI2 bluetooth and WIFI control with Raspberry Pi.

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